In 2024 Justin Taylor & Brian Rensing talk with The 904 Now about Summer Running Camp:
The Summer Running Camp for Middle and High Schoolers will be held at historic Trinity Parish downtown St. Augustine June 23-27, 2025 from 7.30am to Noon each day.
Coach Josh Morton
Will lead the camp through the following topics:
Types of running: track, road, and trail
Yoga, flexibility, stress relief
Injury prevention and recovery
Friday race prep for the Bridge of Lions 5k on July 12, 2025
Parents are free to join workout sessions
We will prepare to run the Bridge of Lions 5k on July 12th, 2025. Participants of the camp will get a $10 discount!
All camp participants will receive a t-shirt and other goodies! Because ACRR's Mission is to promote running/walking as part of a healthy lifestyle, we strongly encourage families to run together. Because of this, we are including a family membership to Ancient City Road Runners!
Campers: Please Register at this link
Volunteers Needed! Please Register at this link